This is the moment of embarking.
All auspicious signs are in place.
In the beginning, all things are hopeful. We prepare ourselves to start anew. Though we may be intent on the magnificent journey ahead, all things are contained in this first moment; our optimism, our faith, our resolution, our innocence.
Deng Ming~Dao
Hello friends!
Somethings always remain the same and true, which is why I always use this inspiring Tao quote to start off my year and this year is no different.
Last year I was ready to embrace the optimism that I felt waving good bye to 2020, but this year my optimism has been challenged. I don't know what to feel or you?
Last year my word was listen...and I was going to repeat it again because it is such a challenge to shut down thinking what your response will be and just listen, isn't it? I was just starting to feel a kinship to this mind challenge, which is why I thought I would repeat it this year for reinforcement....but other words just kept creeping in over the last few days. word this's not just one word...
Multiple words have jumped out at me over the last week from different sources that I follow on online..and truly it has all been in the last few days.
Grounded, Patience, Stillness, Boundaries...
This year I have seen more Blue Herons than I have ever seen in one year. Every time I open up my computer at home and at work I see a picture of this majestic bird.
Every time Ken and I have gone for a drive to the Maine Coast, I see multiples in a day.
I have always felt a kinship to this bird but I think this year I need to listen to what the message in all of these sightings may mean to me.
I just read this article last night and it was all there when I was did a search.
Grounded, Patience, Stillness and Boundaries
On a positive note, I accomplished a good number of the goals that I set up for myself last year, which is always a win for someone who struggles with ADD. I cleaned out a lot of clutter in my home and my brain, which is so freeing.
I stretched out my inner introvert and joined a group or two that helps me feel connected to friends from afar making me feel less isolated.
This year I will try to focus on the excesses in my studio and find places where fiber and fabric can be a gift to another because I don't have enough time left in my life to use it all...reality.
As we start another new year, we still need to respect that space in between to keep each other healthy, but we can still remind each other how much we love.