What a week this has been! First there was the blender disaster, that ceiling still isn't cleaned up enough (I am short), so I will be working on that this week now that Ken pulled out the ladder for me.
Then Friday night, just as we were getting ready to leave the Vet Hospital, a cat who was hit by a car was brought in, always stressful, especially at the end of the day when full staff is not there. Dr. Sheri had him stable enough to bring him home with her, so we all got ready to leave, except my keys were no where to be found. Big sigh....typical Kim. I'd lose my head if it wasn't attached to my shoulders
I keep my work bag (suitcase) next to the trash bucket, so I wondered if I had tossed them into the bucket accidentally instead of my bag? A trip out to the dumpster for a little dumpster diving and sure enough those silver keys were quickly found in the big black bag that we toss all of the day's nasty trash in...great.
Next day…where is my phone????? I know I had my phone in my hand when I went back into the hospital to search for the keys in that big black bag, so I figured if they weren’t here at home, I probably left them on the counter at work.
Ummmm…Nope,that would be too easy. The phone was nowhere to be found. Not at home and not at work. I went back home to use the find my phone app on my computer and …groan….the dumpster came up. Seriously??? Really? Dump diving #2. This time Ken came with me and pulled out that same black bag and sure as shit, my phone was at the bottom of the bag. Ugggh...there truly is nasty stuff in that bag!!
I went into the office to let the girls know that I found my phone and how it must have fell out of my coat pocket when I leaned in to grab my keys. I am going to stay away from that big black trash can for a while!!
Good Lord, it’s not even a full moon!! All in the day of a life named Kim!