Well, I pretty much managed to skip a week now didn't I..LOL.
It's been a busy week and like everyplace else it seems, we are working sort staffed, so it adds a little layer of stress in, even though I love my job and what I do!
This is a typical Saturday night for us. Some sort of appetizery type dinner (usually Nachos) and some sort of game to hopefully slow down the aging process of our brains. It's all good.
We also had a visit from 2 special little munchkins but I will leave that for another post....I'll just say it was such a treat!
Ken spent the day working around the property and like me, his work has been a bit stressful, so he is always game for a trip over to the coast of Maine. There was an Artisan Festival that I wanted to go to in Ogunquit, so we decided to make a day of it. We stayed in Ogunquit long enough to see what I wanted to see and get out.
(Ogunquit is just too busy for me most days...too peopley)
Then we made our way over to Wells, Me to have lunch at Billy's Chowder House to watch a little bit of the football game and enjoy the sunny shining in the windows on this brisk Sunday.
We decided to end the day with a walk along the Eastern Trail in Scarborough to walk off the above lunch, but not before we saw this beautiful Blue Heron so close to our car. I don't know why I am seeing so many Blue Herons this fall, but I love them!
Now these birds were a conundrum? I have seen many, many cormorant's in my life, but I have never seen any with so much white on them. I know that our lake loons here in the Northern Lakes winter in some of the beaches and marshes near Scarborough, and those long beaks remind me of a non breeding loon...but someone else swore that they were cormorants.
Does anyone know from this distance? Carole do you or Dale know? Double Crested Cormorants maybe?
I hope you all had a wonderful and relaxing weekend!!