This is the moment of embarking.
All auspicious signs are in place.
In the beginning, all things are hopeful. We prepare ourselves to start anew. Though we may be intent on the magnificent journey ahead, all things are contained in this first moment; our optimism, our faith, our resolution, our innocence.
Deng Ming~Dao
Hello friends!
Somethings always remain the same and true, which is why I always use this inspiring Tao quote to start off my year and this year is no different.
What a year it was! Who among us could have ever foreseen what the year 2020 was going to hold for us?
Ey yi yi, it's been a doozy and a year that I am happy to see in the rear window.
Embracing the optimism of this new year, I have new ideas floating around in my mind.
Places I want to go, if only here close to home.
New creating ideas, rearranging my studio space to make it feel less cluttered and more open.
Open for new ideas and quiet moments.
I'm ready for wide open spaces!
Last year, I said I was never going to choose a word, but last month a word popped into my head and it's a word that I want to embrace, not just for a year, but hopefully going forward.
It's a quiet word and a word that I am going to work hard to put into practice over the year.....
It's no secret that I am a very chatty soul, but this year I really want to focus on truly listening.
Listening to what people are saying with my full attention instead of thinking about what my response is going to be before someone is finished.
Listening to the sounds of nature in my yard with a free mind, listening to the sounds of the ocean and all that she has to offer when I am there.
Listening to my own thoughts and bringing some of those new thoughts and ideas to fruition.
There are definitely going to be challenge and hurdles for us to get over this year with the virus still so much in the forefront, but there are so many reasons to be hopeful for the new year.
Will we ever be who we were before the virus...I don't think so.
Many of us have lost loved ones and have watched family members struggle in other ways.
We have learned up close how fragile life can be.
As we start this new year, while we can't give each other a hug right now, we can still remind each other how much we are loved.
Happy New Year!!