After completion
Come new beginnings.
To gain strength,
Renew the root.
Deng Ming~Dao
Pattern: Hayrick Socks
Yarn: Woolen Rabbit Pandora
Colorway: Scottish Heather
Needles: 2.25 mm
Can I tell you how much I enjoyed working on these socks? I thoroughly enjoyed this knit!!!
Another fantastic pattern from Anne. Very well written with her typical intuitive flow. I was able to memorize the pattern after 2 repeats. I so love this about Anne's patterns!
I managed to catch Hannah in a good mood today, which meant squeezing in a few pictures of finished items. As you probably can guess Hannah hates having her picture taken, so when she is feeling agreeable I move quickly...LOL. Hannah's feet are a bit bigger than mine, so these socks don't fit her quite as well as they fit me....and they fit me like a glove :-) I'm still not crazy about knitting these short row wrapped heels, but I am getting better at them. The next pair of these I make just may have a flap heel though....just sayin'. :-)
My only regret is that I did not add a few repeats to the leg portion of the sock. I typically like a longer sock, but given that this was a test knit for a new yarn I didn't want to push it....but I could have as there was plenty of yarn left over. Over all I am so happy with these socks. Love the yarn, love the will see another pair in the not too distant future. :-)