Look.....we have red tomatoes!!
Last summer we never saw a single red tomato after our dealings with late season blight, so I am feeling somewhat encouraged this year.
I roasted our first batch of tomatoes tonight and oh my...what a sweet treat they were! I will share that recipe with you next week. They are SO good!
I am seeing some blight however. The good news is it appears to be early blight which is not uncommon especially here in the northeast. While it is not good to see, it is definitely not as destructive as late blight which what many of us dealt with last summer.
When I first spotted the yellowed, blighty leaves I felt pretty discouraged, but I sprayed them with a natural fungicide hoping to ward off total destruction and so far most of the plants responded well. Can you believe how big these babies are getting? They are almost taller than me!
I am pretty sure that the 2 plants I bought as mature plants from a nursery who no longer raises the plants from seed, but rather imports them in is where the blight came in as they are the only 2 tomato plants that have not thrived. I will probably not purchase any further vegetable plants from them and rather stick with the 2 nurseries up here who only sell plants that they started from seed themselves. I am also thinking about maybe setting up a cold frame and raising my own seedlings. ;-)
It's simply amazing how different a garden can be from year to year. Last year everything other than cukes and squash were a daily struggle, but here this year the garden is lush and green. (shh...do you think I may have planted too many bean plants? Oops. :-)
Yes I probably did plant too many bean plants but I didn't have the heart to pull a few of them out as they all seemed so healthy and happy and amazingly pretty much bug free. Bean leaves are a Japanese Beetle favorite, but so far they have not been fornicating all over my bean plants so YAY for that!
I should be picking beans tomorrow. :-)
Interestingly enough my pepper plants while very healthy, green and large have not set much fruit this summer. The peppers that I have been getting are big and healthy....but there has not been nearly as many as I usually get. I am not sure why, but the weather here has been pretty dry so that may be part of the problem. I have been watering every other day but it could also be that they need a good fertilizing as well which I will do tomorrow, so we will see.
All in all though when I make my daily trek out to the summer garden this year I always come back with a smile. It's simply amazing what a difference a year makes.
Last year was a tough year for New England gardens with the cool, damp weather, but this year so much in the garden is thriving which keeps us moving on...
How's your garden looking?