Although I have not been able to attend many fiber activities this summer, I have had a fun filled fiber summer anyways!
This summer I have participated in a few different types of swaps. One being the Colorswap, hosted by Lynne and the other one as been the KSKS Knitter
When I received my package yesterday morning and was greeted with green grass and a giant carrot I had to laugh. I AM a Woolen Rabbit, no?
As I dug further into the package, I became more and more overwelmed with my swap partner's thoughtfulness..
Inside this box of goodies were such incredible gifts and each one of them being something that I truly love and still keeping with that carrot theme....LOL
Some incredible Opal Handpaint yarn, some lovely Cherry Hill sock yarn.....and these carrot markers are just too cute!.
Some yummy Lindt candy that made my kids cry with envy...hehe... and best of all is the fantastic carrot bag , with a matching change purse!
I have participated in a number of swaps, but I have to say that I was completely touched by the thoughtfulness that went into this swap. My gifter emailed me numerous times asking me all sorts of fun questions, getting to know me and I have to say she did a "bang up" job! My swap gifter is
The Knitty Otter, go over and give her a big hello!! Thanks sooooooooo much!!!
Can you guess who I had to make a bag for? It was non other than Jo of Jo Frog Knits Now Jo is a girl who loves frogs, so this was fun!!
I had some balls of hand-dyed merino kicking around from this past winter. I just laid out a few different colors and started felting away.
One of the techniques that I used was the laminated felting that I learned at the one workshop that I attended this summer at Michelle's farm. I LOVE the way you can line a bag without having to sew it and the crinkly affect from the fiber felting to the wool is just to fun to watch happen. Toping it off with a glamorous frog, especially for Jo was the finishing touch.
On A Sad Note As many of you know, this has been a difficult summer for us in many ways. A summer I am not really sad to see come to an end.
My oldest and very first Cavalier crossed over the Rainbow Bridge last week. Maddie was a dear companion who spent her last 3 years living as my oldest daughter's comfort spaniel. Maddie filled a void in Stacey's life when she gave birth to a still born baby three years ago.
While we are sad to not see her happy, waggy tail, we also know that we were lucky to have 11 wonderful years with this funny little girl.
"Au Revoir"............Farewell little one, until we meet again..........