Don't be afraid to explore
Without exploration there are no discoveries
Don't be afraid of partial solutions;
Without the tentative there is no
Deng Ming~Dao
Now that summer is almost past, I finally managed to pick myself up by the seat of my pants and get a sky shot for Sandy up. I was only going to put the photo up, but when I picked up my favorite little book (you know which one that is....LOL) and it slapped me is a little more from the reading that I opened up to.
"Indecision and procrastination are corrosive habits." "Every day passes whether you participate or not. If you are not careful, years will go by and you will only have regrets." "If you wait for everything to be perfect according to your preconceived plans, then you may well wait forever. If you go out and work with the current of life, you may find that success comes from building upon small things."
I have truly struggled this summer. Maybe it is menopause, maybe a touch of depression, or perhaps just too much stuff to deal with in a short period of time, but I have let so many things slip, other than work. Not much spinning, weaving or knitting has been done. Correspondence has been slim, blogging and blog reading almost non existant............and my biggest regret is not taking the time to smell the flowers. My garden has grown in spite of me......
Last night I took a stab at getting caught up in the wonderful circle of blogging. I was crushed to read of Lee~Ann's surgery and I didn't even know she was struggling. Then today I spoke with one of the kindest fiber acquaintances that I know and found that her husband lost his battle to cancer this past May and I didn't know......truly life can pass us by, if we are not careful. I don't want to be on of those who let's life escape me.
I'm hoping that the refreshing air of Autumn is going to help me bring about some life changes. Life is short and the enrichment of friends is what makes it special...........
Norma, I booked my room (thank you!!) and I am coming to Rhinebeck, come hell or high water!!